Ines Katamso
Ines Katamso (b.1990) is a French-Indonesian painter based in Bali. After studying art and design in France, Ines was drawn back to her homeland, where she currently works as an artist and visual designer under her studio named Atelier Seni.

Upon returning to the island, she began her artistic journey creating commission murals before gradually transitioning to more intimate scales and subject-matter. Through her artworks, Ines explores the themes of biology, microbiology, and quantum physics. She is also focusing on pushing her art-making mediums to be environmentally sustainable, from her choices of materials in frames, exploring paper cutting to splicing aside from just painting. Ines' paintings depict abstract and blurred microscopic objects that are fragile but essential to our life, intentionally blown up in proportion to be larger-than-life, reminding us of the importance of these microscopic mechanisms that exist in ourselves as a unit of nature.
2020 "Buah Tangan", ISAA Art and Design / Art Jakarta
2019 “I.........Therefore I Am” at Can’s Gallery, Jakarta
2019 “H.E.R”, ISAA ART and Design at Art Jakarta, Jakarta
2019 “Reinventing Eve”, ISAA ART and Design, Jakarta
2019 “Tetap Terang”, ISAA ART and Design, Jakarta
2018 "Self Explanatory", Dia.Lo.Gue, Jakarta